Prosiding Kebidanan

  1. JUDUL PROSIDING : Proceeding International Seminar on rurel, urban and community health (ISRUNCH)

2. JUDUL PROSIDING : International Respati Health Conference (Universitas Respati Yogyakarta) 2019

3. JUDUL PROSIDING : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Universitas Respati Yogyakarta, Seminar Nasional UNRIYO [Desember] [2020]

4. JUDUL PROSIDING : Seminar Nasional Kesehatan Masyarakat tahun 2020

5. JUDUL PROSIDING : 1st International Seminar Of Gender, Maternal, Equity And Child Health (GEMICH) 2021

JUDUL ARTIKEL : Analysis Of Characteristics Of Infant Death Rate (2015-2019) In Uptd Puskesmas Japara Kuningan District, 2020

Penulis : Yona Septina

JUDUL ARTIKEL: Nutritional Status Of Toddlers In Nagarakembang Village, Cingambul District, Majalengka Regency

Penulis : Ai Nurasiah, Merisa Laora Heryanto

JUDUL ARTIKEL : Description of midwifery student knowledge about 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (hpk) based on media institute of health sciences kuningan 2020

Penulis : Evi Soviyati

6. JUDUL PROSIDING : Al Insyirah International Scientific Conference on Health 2021

JUDUL ARTIKEL : Knowledge Of Reproductive Heal Th With early marriage on  Childbearing age (pus)

Penulis : Fera Riswidautami Herwandar

7. Abstract Book
Nursing Symposium 2021 “Mental Resilience in The Face of Various Nursing Challenges and Opportunities during the Period of Adaptation to New Habits”

Determinan Sosial Ibu Menyusui dalam Pemberian ASI: Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Pasawahan Kabupaten Kuningan, Indonesia

Siti Nunung Nurjannah

8. JUDUL PROSIDING : Conferench Proceeding 1st National Nursing Confrence: The Sustainable Innovation in Nursing Education and Practice

9. JUDUL PROSIDING : The 4th International Seminar on Global Health (ISGH4)

10. JUDUL PROSIDING : The International Midwifery Scientic Conference 2018: “Midwives Leading The Way with Quality Care”

11. JUDUL PROSIDING : Seminar Nasional Kesehatan 2020: peluang dan tantangan bidan dalam meningkatkan Sinergitas pelayanan kebidanan

12. JUDUL PROSIDING : Proceeding of the 1 st Kusuma Husada International Conference for Midwives

13. JUDUL PROSIDING : Proceeding the 2nd Strada International conference on health